Q. How to buy / Place order?
- By yourself from website
- By customer care line (+88) 016 25 112211
- By facebook page
- By email at sales@upojog.com
Our customer care executive will help you find your desired products and order those for you.
Place order by yourself:
- Firstly, go to your web browser and type in www.upojog.com to visit upojog.cm website.
- If you are a registered user of upojog.com, then click on SIGN IN and type in your email address and password to LOG IN. If you are not a registered user of upojog.com, then click on REGISTER and fill in email ID, phone number and password required information and submit it.
- To go through product categories, or search for desired product.
- If you prefer an item, click on it ADD TO CART or VIEW DETAIL.
- You will see your product listed on the new window that will open up. To buy more products, click on CONTINUE SHOPPING and follow the previous steps to select products to add to your shopping cart. Your product can be seen listed when you click on the CART ICON above.
- If you wish to conclude your shopping here today, click on PROCEED TO CHECKOUT to go to the payment page.
- If you are logged in, then your information will be automatically filled in; if not, then log in using your email / mobile and password.
- Select your mode of delivery and payment.
- Please review and check your order and click on PLACE ORDER NOW to confirm.
- When your order is confirmed on the next page, please keep your order number noted.
Note: If you face any problem during placing order please call our customer care line to assist you.
Q. How Do I Track My Order?
You can track your order from your account.
Q. How long do the deliveries take?
It depends on what type of product. Our default delivery time is within 3 business days. You can also specify a convenient time and we will send the products during that time.
Q. How do I pay?
We accept cash on delivery, bKash & Credit Card Payment.
Q. I can’t find the product I am looking for. What do I do?
You can call at your customer care line (+88) 016 25 112211 or mail us at sales@upojog.com to about inquiry of your desired products.
If you can’t find any particular product in Upojog.com website then you can call to our customer care line (+88) 016 25 112211 and ask for that particular product. We will then search that product in the market or contact the company and try to collect that.
Q. What if the item is out of stock?
You can also call at your customer care number (+88) 016 25 112211 or mail us at sales@upojog.com to about out of stock product. If we cannot find it, we will SMS/call you and let you know what substitutes are available.
Q. Can I get a refund via cash?
Please review our refund policy here.
Q. What is your discounting policy?
We offer promo/discount code under special circumstances. Discounting policy applied on the MRP. On any given product, we can only apply one type of discount. We always consider the best discount available to the customer. For example, if the MRP of a product is Tk. 100 and our list price is Tk. 90 — the product is already sold at 10% discount. This means that if user applies a discount code for 5% discount, we will still consider the best discount available to the user and sell the product at Tk. 90.
Q. What is 'Gift Coupon'? How can I get it?
Gift Coupon is a new service of Upojog.com. You can buy this gift coupon from Upojog.com as a product and use it for buying products and you can gift this coupon card for your dear ones. If your coupon costs more than the product you bought then the rest of your money will go to your wallet and you can use that in future for buying products.
Q. What about quality & replacement?
If you are dissatisfied, you can always send them back with the delivery person for replacement. If you forget to do that, you can call us within 24 hours and we will replace the item for free. For diapers and perishable products, such as meat, fish, milk, fruits and fresh vegetables replacement not applicable.
For update, please review our Return & Refund Policy here.
Q. How can I complain over or convey my satisfaction to Upojog.com?
Upojog.com always wants to hear the customer’s say whether it’s a complaint or admiration. You can mail us at complain@upojog.com
Q. What is the delivery / Shipping charge?
You can buy any products at the cheapest charge from upojog.com. Default online order charge is ৳40 – and phone order charge is ৳60 – only. Delivery charge my vary/free/reduce depending on promotion or offer. Please call your hotline number for update charge or place your order and you will find desired charge.
Q. How can I contact you?
You can always call customer care line (+88) 016 25 112211 or mail us at sales@upojog.com
Q. How do I know when my order is here?
Our representative may call you before delivery. Moreover, representative will call you as soon as they are at your house to let you know about your delivery.
Q. Which area do you cover to delivery?
Currently we are serving all of Dhaka city.
Q. My order is wrong. What do I do?
Call our hotline number immediately at (+88) 016 25 112211 and let us know the problem
Q. What about the prices?
We have our unique prices with quality and exceptions. We always prefer to supply best product whatever the price is. We just only focus on quality only.
Q. What is your policy on refunds?
Please review our refund policy here.
Q. What is Discount/Promo Code?
Promo code is a secret number scratch card which is given to the loyal customers of Upojog.com in different occasions. Customers can use this code in every order and get discounts. In phone order customers can tell the code to our executives and in online order there is box where the code has to be put in.
Q. Can I order over the phone or Facebook messenger or email?
Absolutely. You can place order by calling customer care line (+88) 016 25 112211 or Facebook page or email us at sales@upojog.com
Q. What if I find any problem in the delivered products, then what should I do?
It’s a rare case for Upojog.com where customer didn’t get their products unharmed. But sometimes we may fail to fulfill your expectations, sometimes situations aren’t by our side. But there is a bond of trust between customers and Upojog.com, so that Upojog.com brings to you The “Happy Return” policy. Where customers can return their book or product if there’s something wrong with it. In that case Upojog.com will give you a fresh product in return. We call this policy of ours “Happy Return”.
For update, please review our Return & Refund Policy here.
Q. How are you sourcing your products?
We do not manufacturers and importers product. We have direct supplier from whom we collect product and keep in stock in necessary.
Q. What is 'Wish list'?
Customer satisfaction is our primary target so if a customer like a book/product but can’t afford it that particular moment then they can easily add that product to his/her wish list. So that he/she can buy it in future by checking his/her wish list. After all your wish is our priority.